You deserve better


What do you get when you take a digital marketer and get him interested in helical pile foundations? Better marketing for helical pile contractors.


My name is Trevor, and I'm the founder of Helical Pile Marketers. I've worked in digital marketing for over 10 years, and I've been in the helical pile industry for the past 5 years.
It started when I was hired by a helical pile contractor to help them with their marketing. At the time, I knew absolutely nothing about helical foundations. But, during the project, I became fascinated by the versatility and ability of helical pile technology.
Soon after, I noticed that other helical pile contractors were struggling to get a handle on their marketing and use it to grow their business. Worse still, there were few resources designed to help helical contractors grow their businesses.
So, I decided to create a marketing agency that helps helical pile contractors grow their business in a sustainable way that creates long-term growth.
To date, we're the only marketing agency (that I'm aware of, at least!) built from the ground-up to help helical pile businesses.

Want to know more about marketing for helical pile contractors? Have questions about your marketing? Get in touch today and let's chat about how we can grow your business.

Frequently Asked Questions

Didn't find an answer to your question here? Click here to contact us.

  • How does your service work?

    Our service works by meeting with you to determine your goals, then creating a game plan to help you achieve those goals. We create and post marketing content like blog articles and social media posts for you, so you don't have to worry about it. The exact work we do for you depends on your helical foundation business and your goals. Typically we do things like create marketing and sales content, provide consultation and training, and build sustainable growth strategies.

  • How much do your services cost?

    The exact cost of our services will depend on what your helical pile business needs. That's why it's so important that you book a FREE 15-minute consultation with us so we can understand your unique needs. That said, our prices will always be less expensive than if you tried to hire someone in-house to handle your marketing!

  • Do you actually understand the helical foundation industry?

    We do! Helical pile foundations aren't something we've jumped onto because it's a growing industry. Trevor, the founder of Helical Pile Marketers, is genuinely fascinated by the technology and loves the industry. So, it just made sense to start a marketing agency that specifically serves the helical foundation world.

  • What will *I* have to do?

    While we'll handle creating and managing your marketing content, you still have an important role to play. Besides reviewing the content we create for you in a timely manner, we'll also hold weekly or bi-weekly meeting so you'll always be up-to-date on what's happening with your marketing.

  • Do you work with my competitors?

    One of the service options we offer is regional exclusivity, which means that we will not work with your competitors in the same geographical region. For more details, get in touch with us.